A True & Faithful Account of Our Road Trip with Franz Kafka
Don Gropman reading from his novel-in-progress
photo copyright © 2012 by Sonya Gropman
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Fort Point, Boston
10 Channel Center Street
Don Gropman read from his novel-in-progress TRAVELS WITH FRANNY: A True & Faithful Account of Our Road Trip with Franz Kafka, a work of fiction in which Franz Kafka is reimagined as a character named Franny. To paraphrase Marianne Moore, the author aims to present an imaginary toad in real gardens.
Gropman writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. He has published several nonfiction books, including Say It Ain't So, Joe, a life of the old baseball player Shoeless Joe Jackson, for which he was honored by the Mark Twain Journal for "his contribution to American biography." His books have been translated into Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese. A chapter of Travels With Franny recently appeared, in translation, in Udsyn, a Danish magazine. He has published numerous articles, reviews, and short stories; his work has appeared in The Best of Yankee Magazine, The Best American Short Stories, and other prize anthologies.